
Showing posts from March, 2023

Nettles, 4 ways

 Today, I got to harvest some early spring nettles.  This was my first time, but hopefully not my last.  Again, I forgot to ask before I started to harvest, but as soon as I remembered, I sent some energy out and felt it bounce right back at me with as much joy and enthusiasm as I had.  I will take that as a yes. I filled a bucket and only when I got home did I stop and think, "Now what do I do?"  I watched a few YouTube videos, found out a way to sauté them with garlic and lemon juice, make fresh tea and confirm that I could make a tincture with fresh nettles.  I wondered because fresh nettles have a sting.  I guess we will find out.   First thing I did was give them a good rinse.  There were dogs where I harvested, so I discarded anything that looked brown or otherwise damaged.  I heard that one should eat the leaves and not the stems.  I do not know if this is true when making medicine.  I did only use the leaves for the tincture. When I ate them last year, I used the stem


 I have started crafting, which has been the most intimidating component of this journey so far.  Today, I put together a Hawthorn Cordial, which ought to be good for my heart and my gut.  The more I learn about our gut microbiome, the more interested I become in the myriad of ways to support that system. Studies have been linking our gut health to the health of many of our body systems.  The idea that we have as many things living inside us than we have cells is really fun to ponder.   Microbiome (   I have been interested in digestifs lately after having one at a restaurant a few weeks ago.  After dinner drinks have always seemed so highbrow and that is not how I see myself.  This cordial includes hawthorn berries, apple, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla, honey and brandy.  I will let you know how it tastes in about a month.  I have very high hopes for it.  I have been trying different ones and while I can't say I love them, they are interesting. 10 days ago, I threw t


The first lesson for my second month of class was about negotiating with obstacles.  It was setting a stage for things to come, but it has caused me to stop and reflect about the things I have done already in my life to negotiate with the natural world and what work I still need to do and what I need to do as soon as I can. Two years ago, I got rid of my chickens and the chicken run with the idea that I would use that space as my witch's garden, a place to grow medicinal plants and to start my journey learning about them.  Last year, I ordered a number of medicinal, pollinator supportive plants. I have been planting for birds and pollinators for years, but these plants had the added focus of being medicinal.  I had gotten a truck load of arborist chips and had been working to transform my yard into a sanctuary where all were welcome.  As I was laying it all out and burning a fire in my fire pit, saying prayers of welcome, two eagles flew low over my yard, and I felt truly blessed.