
The first lesson for my second month of class was about negotiating with obstacles.  It was setting a stage for things to come, but it has caused me to stop and reflect about the things I have done already in my life to negotiate with the natural world and what work I still need to do and what I need to do as soon as I can.

Two years ago, I got rid of my chickens and the chicken run with the idea that I would use that space as my witch's garden, a place to grow medicinal plants and to start my journey learning about them.  Last year, I ordered a number of medicinal, pollinator supportive plants. I have been planting for birds and pollinators for years, but these plants had the added focus of being medicinal.  I had gotten a truck load of arborist chips and had been working to transform my yard into a sanctuary where all were welcome.  As I was laying it all out and burning a fire in my fire pit, saying prayers of welcome, two eagles flew low over my yard, and I felt truly blessed. 

As I begin to plan this year's garden, I am having to consider both what I want from my yard and garden and who else uses it.  That serene moment in my yard has been usurped by dogs.  The dogs do not want to share with the natural world, except as something to chase or chew.  My medicinal plants have all been peed on if they still exist at all.  It has been frustrating for me.  But there must be a lesson here as well.  Patience maybe?  Creativity surely.  Surrender, quite possibly.

I do not have an answer as of yet.  Maybe that is my lesson as well.


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