
Showing posts from September, 2023

Time away

 For the first few months of this journey, I was on task for every aspect of this course.  Then life started to get in the way.  I took on some extra responsibilities with work and at home and I used my free time doing other things.   Excuses, all.  And now I am behind by fully two months.  I have two years to finish this program, though I suppose I could always start over because the important part is the learning, not so much the certification.  As I have fallen further and further behind, I have felt more and more guilt about being behind and less and less confident about what I have already learned and my ability to continue to learn.  Vicious cycle. I have a lot of projects that don't get finished.  It is not uncommon for me to get 90% complete and then walk away.  I take on new stuff all of the time and then fall off of the passion when it gets to be too much.  Perfectionism, insecurity, something I don't know yet, all could be reasons.  It is frustrating, that much I kno